Uses of Interface
Packages that use SupervisorIfaceFactory
Uses of SupervisorIfaceFactory in org.apache.storm.daemon.worker
Constructor parameters in org.apache.storm.daemon.worker with type arguments of type SupervisorIfaceFactoryModifierConstructorDescriptionWorker
(Map<String, Object> conf, IContext context, String topologyId, String assignmentId, int supervisorPort, int port, String workerId, Supplier<SupervisorIfaceFactory> supervisorIfaceSupplier) TODO: should worker even take the topologyId as input? this should be deducible from cluster state (by searching through assignments) what about if there's inconsistency in assignments? -> but nimbus should guarantee this consistency.WorkerState
(Map<String, Object> conf, IContext mqContext, String topologyId, String assignmentId, Supplier<SupervisorIfaceFactory> supervisorIfaceSupplier, int port, String workerId, Map<String, Object> topologyConf, IStateStorage stateStorage, IStormClusterState stormClusterState, Collection<IAutoCredentials> autoCredentials, StormMetricRegistry metricRegistry, Credentials initialCredentials) -
Uses of SupervisorIfaceFactory in org.apache.storm.utils
Classes in org.apache.storm.utils that implement SupervisorIfaceFactoryModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Client for interacting with Supervisor server, now we use supervisor server mainly for cases below.