Version: 2.7.0


The Storm UI daemon provides a REST API that allows you to interact with a Storm cluster, which includes retrieving metrics data and configuration information as well as management operations such as starting or stopping topologies.

Data format

The REST API returns JSON responses and supports JSONP. Clients can pass a callback query parameter to wrap JSON in the callback function.

Using the UI REST API

Note: It is recommended to ignore undocumented elements in the JSON response because future versions of Storm may not support those elements anymore.


The REST API is part of the UI daemon of Storm (started by storm ui) and thus runs on the same host and port as the Storm UI (the UI daemon is often run on the same host as the Nimbus daemon). The port is configured by ui.port, which is set to 8080 by default (see defaults.yaml).

The API base URL would thus be:


You can use a tool such as curl to talk to the REST API:

# Request the cluster configuration.
# Note: We assume ui.port is configured to the default value of 8080.
$ curl http://<ui-host>:8080/api/v1/cluster/configuration

Impersonating a user in secure environment

In a secure environment an authenticated user can impersonate another user. To impersonate a user the caller must pass doAsUser param or header with value set to the user that the request needs to be performed as. Please see SECURITY.MD to learn more about how to setup impersonation ACLs and authorization. The rest API uses the same configs and acls that are used by nimbus.


 1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1425844354\?doAsUser=testUSer1
 2. curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1425844354/activate' -X POST -H 'doAsUser:testUSer1'

GET Operations

/api/v1/cluster/configuration (GET)

Returns the cluster configuration.

Sample response (does not include all the data fields):

    "dev.zookeeper.path": "/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper",
    "topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs": null,
    "topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs": 60,
    "": false,
    "": 5,
    "zmq.linger.millis": 5000,
    "topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations": false,
    "storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads": 1,
    "ui.childopts": "-Xmx768m",
    "storm.zookeeper.session.timeout": 20000,
    "nimbus.reassign": true,
    "topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis": 500,
    "": 10,
    "nimbus.monitor.freq.secs": 10,
    "logviewer.childopts": "-Xmx128m",
    "java.library.path": "/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib",
    "topology.executor.send.buffer.size": 1024,

/api/v1/cluster/summary (GET)

Returns cluster summary information such as nimbus uptime or number of supervisors.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
stormVersion String Storm version
supervisors Integer Number of supervisors running
topologies Integer Number of topologies running
slotsTotal Integer Total number of available worker slots
slotsUsed Integer Number of worker slots used
slotsFree Integer Number of worker slots available
executorsTotal Integer Total number of executors
tasksTotal Integer Total tasks
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information
totalMem Double The total amount of memory in the cluster in MB
totalCpu Double The total amount of CPU in the cluster
availMem Double The amount of available memory in the cluster in MB
availCpu Double The amount of available cpu in the cluster
memAssignedPercentUtil Double The percent utilization of assigned memory resources in cluster
cpuAssignedPercentUtil Double The percent utilization of assigned CPU resources in cluster

Sample response:

    "stormVersion": "0.9.2-incubating-SNAPSHOT",
    "supervisors": 1,
    "slotsTotal": 4,
    "slotsUsed": 3,
    "slotsFree": 1,
    "executorsTotal": 28,
    "tasksTotal": 28,
    "schedulerDisplayResource": true,
    "totalMem": 4096.0,
    "totalCpu": 400.0,
    "availMem": 1024.0,
    "availCPU": 250.0,
    "memAssignedPercentUtil": 75.0,
    "cpuAssignedPercentUtil": 37.5

/api/v1/supervisor/summary (GET)

Returns summary information for all supervisors.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Supervisor's id
host String Supervisor's host name
uptime String Shows how long the supervisor is running
uptimeSeconds Integer Shows how long the supervisor is running in seconds
slotsTotal Integer Total number of available worker slots for this supervisor
slotsUsed Integer Number of worker slots used on this supervisor
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information
totalMem Double Total memory capacity on this supervisor
totalCpu Double Total CPU capacity on this supervisor
usedMem Double Used memory capacity on this supervisor
usedCpu Double Used CPU capacity on this supervisor

Sample response:

    "supervisors": [
            "id": "0b879808-2a26-442b-8f7d-23101e0c3696",
            "host": "",
            "uptime": "5m 58s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 358,
            "slotsTotal": 4,
            "slotsUsed": 3,
            "totalMem": 3000,
            "totalCpu": 400,
            "usedMem": 1280,
            "usedCPU": 160
    "schedulerDisplayResource": true

/api/v1/nimbus/summary (GET)

Returns summary information for all nimbus hosts.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
host String Nimbus' host name
port int Nimbus' port number
status String Possible values are Leader, Not a Leader, Dead
nimbusUpTime String Shows since how long the nimbus has been running
nimbusUpTimeSeconds String Shows since how long the nimbus has been running in seconds
nimbusLogLink String Logviewer url to view the nimbus.log
version String Version of storm this nimbus host is running

Sample response:

            "nimbusUpTime":"3m 33s",

/api/v1/history/summary (GET)

Returns a list of all running topologies' IDs submitted by the current user.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
topo-history List List of Topologies' IDs

Sample response:


/api/v1/supervisor (GET)

Returns summary for a supervisor by id, or all supervisors running on a host.


 1. By host: http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/supervisor?host=supervisor-daemon-host-name
 2. By id: http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/supervisor?id=f5449110-1daa-43e2-89e3-69917b16dec9-

Request parameters:

Parameter Value Description
id String. Supervisor id If specified, respond with the supervisor and worker stats with id. Note that when id is specified, the host argument is ignored.
host String. Host name If specified, respond with all supervisors and worker stats in the host (normally just one)
sys String. Values 1 or 0. Default value 0 Controls including sys stats part of the response

Response fields:

Field Value Description
supervisors Array Array of supervisor summaries
workers Array Array of worker summaries
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information

Each supervisor is defined by:

Field Value Description
id String Supervisor's id
host String Supervisor's host name
uptime String Shows how long the supervisor is running
uptimeSeconds Integer Shows how long the supervisor is running in seconds
slotsTotal Integer Total number of worker slots for this supervisor
slotsUsed Integer Number of worker slots used on this supervisor
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information
totalMem Double Total memory capacity on this supervisor
totalCpu Double Total CPU capacity on this supervisor
usedMem Double Used memory capacity on this supervisor
usedCpu Double Used CPU capacity on this supervisor

Each worker is defined by:

Field Value Description
supervisorId String Supervisor's id
host String Worker's host name
port Integer Worker's port
topologyId String Topology Id
topologyName String Topology Name
executorsTotal Integer Number of executors used by the topology in this worker
assignedMemOnHeap Double Assigned On-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedMemOffHeap Double Assigned Off-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedCpu Number Assigned CPU by Scheduler (%)
componentNumTasks Dictionary Components -> # of executing tasks
uptime String Shows how long the worker is running
uptimeSeconds Integer Shows how long the worker is running in seconds
workerLogLink String Link to worker log viewer page

Sample response:

    "supervisors": [{ 
        "totalMem": 4096.0, 
        "uptime":"7m 8s",
        "uptime":"2m 47s",
        "componentNumTasks": {
        "uptime":"2m 53s",

/api/v1/owner-resources (GET)

Returns summary information aggregated at the topology owner level. Pass an optional id for a specific owner (e.g. /api/v1/owner-resources/theowner)

Response fields:

Field Value Description
owner String Topology owner
totalTopologies Integer Total number of topologies owner is running
totalExecutors Integer Total number of executors used by owner
totalWorkers Integer Total number of workers used by owner
totalTasks Integer Total number of tasks used by owner
totalMemoryUsage Double Total Memory Assigned on behalf of owner in MB
totalCpuUsage Double Total CPU Resource Assigned on behalf of User. Every 100 means 1 core
memoryGuarantee Double The amount of memory resource (in MB) guaranteed to owner
cpuGuarantee Double The amount of CPU resource (every 100 means 1 core) guaranteed to owner
isolatedNodes Integer The amount of nodes that are guaranteed isolated to owner
memoryGuaranteeRemaining Double The amount of guaranteed memory resources (in MB) remaining
cpuGuaranteeRemaining Double The amount of guaranteed CPU resource (every 100 means 1 core) remaining
totalReqOnHeapMem Double Total On-Heap Memory Requested by User in MB
totalReqOffHeapMem Double Total Off-Heap Memory Requested by User in MB
totalReqMem Double Total Memory Requested by User in MB
totalReqCpu Double Total CPU Resource Requested by User. Every 100 means 1 core
totalAssignedOnHeapMem Double Total On-Heap Memory Assigned on behalf of owner in MB
totalAssignedOffHeapMem Double Total Off-Heap Memory Assigned on behalf of owner in MB

Sample response:

    "owners": [
            "totalReqOnHeapMem": 896,
            "owner": "ownerA",
            "totalExecutors": 7,
            "cpuGuaranteeRemaining": 30,
            "totalReqMem": 896,
            "cpuGuarantee": 100,
            "isolatedNodes": "N/A",
            "memoryGuarantee": 4000,
            "memoryGuaranteeRemaining": 3104,
            "totalTasks": 7,
            "totalMemoryUsage": 896,
            "totalReqOffHeapMem": 0,
            "totalReqCpu": 70,
            "totalWorkers": 2,
            "totalCpuUsage": 70,
            "totalAssignedOffHeapMem": 0,
            "totalAssignedOnHeapMem": 896,
            "totalTopologies": 1
    "schedulerDisplayResource": true

/api/v1/topology/summary (GET)

Returns summary information for all topologies.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Topology Id
name String Topology Name
status String Topology Status
uptime String Shows how long the topology is running
uptimeSeconds Integer Shows how long the topology is running in seconds
tasksTotal Integer Total number of tasks for this topology
workersTotal Integer Number of workers used for this topology
executorsTotal Integer Number of executors used for this topology
replicationCount Integer Number of nimbus hosts on which this topology code is replicated
requestedMemOnHeap Double Requested On-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedMemOffHeap Double Requested Off-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedTotalMem Double Requested Total Memory by User (MB)
requestedCpu Double Requested CPU by User (%)
assignedMemOnHeap Double Assigned On-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedMemOffHeap Double Assigned Off-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedTotalMem Double Assigned Total Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedCpu Double Assigned CPU by Scheduler (%)
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information

Sample response:

    "topologies": [
            "id": "WordCount3-1-1402960825",
            "name": "WordCount3",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "uptime": "6m 5s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 365,
            "tasksTotal": 28,
            "workersTotal": 3,
            "executorsTotal": 28,
            "replicationCount": 1,
            "requestedMemOnHeap": 640,
            "requestedMemOffHeap": 128,
            "requestedTotalMem": 768,
            "requestedCpu": 80,
            "assignedMemOnHeap": 640,
            "assignedMemOffHeap": 128,
            "assignedTotalMem": 768,
            "assignedCpu": 80
    "schedulerDisplayResource": true

/api/v1/topology-workers/<id> (GET)

Returns the worker' information (host and port) for a topology whose id is substituted for <id>. The topology id is obtained by the above /topology/summary call.

Response fields:

Field Value Description
hostPortList List Workers' information for a topology
name Integer Logviewer Port

Sample response:


/api/v1/topology/<id> (GET)

Returns topology information and statistics. Substitute <id> with the topology id.

Request parameters:

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
window String. Default value :all-time Window duration for metrics in seconds
sys String. Values 1 or 0. Default value 0 Controls including sys stats part of the response

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Topology Id
name String Topology Name
uptime String How long the topology has been running
uptimeSeconds Integer How long the topology has been running in seconds
status String Current status of the topology, e.g. "ACTIVE"
tasksTotal Integer Total number of tasks for this topology
workersTotal Integer Number of workers used for this topology
executorsTotal Integer Number of executors used for this topology
msgTimeout Integer Number of seconds a tuple has before the spout considers it failed
windowHint String window param value in "hh mm ss" format. Default value is "All Time"
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information
replicationCount Integer Number of nimbus hosts on which this topology code is replicated
debug Boolean If debug is enabled for the topology
samplingPct Double Controls downsampling of events before they are sent to event log (percentage)
assignedMemOnHeap Double Assigned On-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedMemOffHeap Double Assigned Off-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
assignedTotalMem Double Assigned Off-Heap + On-Heap Memory by Scheduler(MB)
assignedCpu Double Assigned CPU by Scheduler(%)
requestedMemOnHeap Double Requested On-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedMemOffHeap Double Requested Off-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedCpu Double Requested CPU by User (%)
topologyStats Array Array of all the topology related stats per time window
topologyStats.windowPretty String Duration passed in HH:MM:SS format
topologyStats.window String User requested time window for metrics
topologyStats.emitted Long Number of messages emitted in given window
topologyStats.trasferred Long Number messages transferred in given window
topologyStats.completeLatency String (double value returned in String format) Total latency for processing the message
topologyStats.acked Long Number of messages acked in given window
topologyStats.failed Long Number of messages failed in given window
workers Array Array of workers in topology
workers.supervisorId String Supervisor's id String Worker's host name
workers.port Integer Worker's port
workers.topologyId String Topology Id
workers.topologyName String Topology Name
workers.executorsTotal Integer Number of executors used by the topology in this worker
workers.assignedMemOnHeap Double Assigned On-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
workers.assignedMemOffHeap Double Assigned Off-Heap Memory by Scheduler (MB)
workers.assignedCpu Number Assigned CPU by Scheduler (%)
workers.componentNumTasks Dictionary Components -> # of executing tasks
workers.uptime String Shows how long the worker is running
workers.uptimeSeconds Integer Shows how long the worker is running in seconds
workers.workerLogLink String Link to worker log viewer page
spouts Array Array of all the spout components in the topology
spouts.spoutId String Spout id
spouts.executors Integer Number of executors for the spout
spouts.emitted Long Number of messages emitted in given window
spouts.completeLatency String (double value returned in String format) Total latency for processing the message
spouts.transferred Long Total number of messages transferred in given window
spouts.tasks Integer Total number of tasks for the spout
spouts.lastError String Shows the last error happened in a spout
spouts.errorHost String Worker hostname the last error was reported on
spouts.errorPort String Worker port the last error was reported on
spouts.errorTime Integer Unix timestamp the last error was reported (seconds since epoch)
spouts.errorLapsedSecs Integer Number of seconds elapsed since that last error happened in a spout
spouts.errorWorkerLogLink String Link to the worker log that reported the exception
spouts.acked Long Number of messages acked
spouts.failed Long Number of messages failed
spouts.requestedMemOnHeap Double Requested On-Heap Memory by User (MB)
spouts.requestedMemOffHeap Double Requested Off-Heap Memory by User (MB)
spouts.requestedCpu Double Requested CPU by User (%)
bolts Array Array of bolt components in the topology
bolts.boltId String Bolt id
bolts.capacity String (double value returned in String format) This value indicates number of messages executed * average execute latency / time window
bolts.processLatency String (double value returned in String format) Average time of the bolt to ack a message after it was received
bolts.executeLatency String (double value returned in String format) Average time to run the execute method of the bolt
bolts.executors Integer Number of executor tasks in the bolt component
bolts.tasks Integer Number of instances of bolt
bolts.acked Long Number of tuples acked by the bolt
bolts.failed Long Number of tuples failed by the bolt
bolts.lastError String Shows the last error occurred in the bolt
bolts.errorHost String Worker hostname the last error was reported on
bolts.errorPort String Worker port the last error was reported on
bolts.errorTime Integer Unix timestamp the last error was reported (seconds since epoch)
bolts.errorLapsedSecs Integer Number of seconds elapsed since that last error happened in a bolt
bolts.errorWorkerLogLink String Link to the worker log that reported the exception
bolts.emitted Long Number of tuples emitted
bolts.requestedMemOnHeap Double Requested On-Heap Memory by User (MB)
bolts.requestedMemOffHeap Double Requested Off-Heap Memory by User (MB)
bolts.requestedCpu Double Requested CPU by User (%)


 1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825
 2. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825?sys=1
 3. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825?window=600

Sample response:

    "name": "WordCount3",
    "id": "WordCount3-1-1402960825",
    "workersTotal": 3,
    "window": "600",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "tasksTotal": 28,
    "executorsTotal": 28,
    "uptime": "29m 19s",
    "uptimeSeconds": 1759,
    "msgTimeout": 30,
    "windowHint": "10m 0s",
    "schedulerDisplayResource": true,
    "workers": [{
        "topologyName": "WordCount3",
        "topologyId": "WordCount3-1-1402960825",
        "host": "my-host",
        "supervisorId": "9124ca9a-42e8-481e-9bf3-a041d9595430",
        "assignedMemOnHeap": 1452.0,
        "uptime": "27m 26s",
        "port": 6702,
        "workerLogLink": "logs",
        "componentNumTasks": {
            "spout": 2,
            "count": 3,
            "split": 10
        "executorsTotal": 15,
        "uptimeSeconds": 1646,
        "assignedCpu": 260.0,
        "assignedMemOffHeap": 160.0
    "topologyStats": [
            "windowPretty": "10m 0s",
            "window": "600",
            "emitted": 397960,
            "transferred": 213380,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 213460,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "3h 0m 0s",
            "window": "10800",
            "emitted": 1190260,
            "transferred": 638260,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 638280,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "1d 0h 0m 0s",
            "window": "86400",
            "emitted": 1190260,
            "transferred": 638260,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 638280,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "All time",
            "window": ":all-time",
            "emitted": 1190260,
            "transferred": 638260,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 638280,
            "failed": 0
        "uptime":"2m 47s",
        "componentNumTasks": {
    "spouts": [
            "executors": 5,
            "emitted": 28880,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 28880,
            "acked": 0,
            "spoutId": "spout",
            "tasks": 5,
            "lastError": "",
            "errorHost": "",
            "errorPort": null,
            "errorWorkerLogLink": "",
            "errorTime": null,
            "errorLapsedSecs": null,
            "failed": 0
        "bolts": [
            "executors": 12,
            "emitted": 184580,
            "transferred": 0,
            "acked": 184640,
            "executeLatency": "0.048",
            "tasks": 12,
            "executed": 184620,
            "processLatency": "0.043",
            "boltId": "count",
            "lastError": "",
            "errorHost": "",
            "errorPort": null,
            "errorWorkerLogLink": "",
            "errorTime": null,
            "errorLapsedSecs": null,
            "capacity": "0.003",
            "failed": 0
            "executors": 8,
            "emitted": 184500,
            "transferred": 184500,
            "acked": 28820,
            "executeLatency": "0.024",
            "tasks": 8,
            "executed": 28780,
            "processLatency": "2.112",
            "boltId": "split",
            "lastError": "java.lang.RuntimeException: Error here! at org.apache.storm.starter.bolt.WordCountBolt.nextTuple( at org.apache.storm.executor.bolt.BoltExecutor$",
            "errorHost": "",
            "errorPort": 6707,
            "errorWorkerLogLink": "",
            "errorTime": 1597626060,
            "errorLapsedSecs": 65,
            "capacity": "0.000",
            "failed": 0
    "configuration": {
        "": "WordCount3-1-1402960825",
        "dev.zookeeper.path": "/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper",
        "topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs": null,
        "topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs": 60,
        "": false,
        "": 5,
        "zmq.linger.millis": 5000,
        "topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations": false,
        "storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads": 1,
        "ui.childopts": "-Xmx768m",
        "storm.zookeeper.session.timeout": 20000,
        "nimbus.reassign": true,
        "topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis": 500,
        "": 10,
        "nimbus.monitor.freq.secs": 10,
        "logviewer.childopts": "-Xmx128m",
        "java.library.path": "/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib",
        "topology.executor.send.buffer.size": 1024,
        "storm.local.dir": "storm-local",
        "storm.messaging.netty.buffer_size": 5242880,
        "supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs": 120,
        "topology.enable.message.timeouts": true,
        "nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs": 600,
        "nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs": 3600,
        "drpc.worker.threads": 64,
        "topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size": 4,
        "nimbus.seeds": [
        "storm.messaging.netty.min_wait_ms": 100,
        "storm.zookeeper.port": 2181,
        "transactional.zookeeper.port": null,
        "topology.executor.receive.buffer.size": 1024,
        "transactional.zookeeper.servers": null,
        "storm.zookeeper.root": "/storm",
        "storm.zookeeper.retry.intervalceiling.millis": 30000,
        "supervisor.enable": true,
        "storm.messaging.netty.server_worker_threads": 1
    "replicationCount": 1


Returns detailed metrics for topology for a topology whose id is substituted for <id>. It shows metrics per component, which are aggregated by stream.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
window String. Default value :all-time window duration for metrics in seconds
sys String. Values 1 or 0. Default value 0 Controls including sys stats part of the response

Response fields:

Field Value Description
window String. Default value ":all-time" window duration for metrics in seconds
windowHint String
spouts Array Array of all the spout components in the topology String Spout id
spouts.emitted Array Array of all the output streams this spout emits messages
spouts.emitted.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
spouts.emitted.value Long Number of messages emitted in given window
spouts.transferred Array Array of all the output streams this spout transfers messages
spouts.transferred.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
spouts.transferred.value Long Number messages transferred in given window
spouts.acked Array Array of all the output streams this spout receives ack of messages
spouts.acked.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
spouts.acked.value Long Number of messages acked in given window
spouts.failed Array Array of all the output streams this spout receives fail of messages
spouts.failed.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
spouts.failed.value Long Number of messages failed in given window
spouts.complete_ms_avg Array Array of all the output streams this spout receives ack of messages
spouts.complete_ms_avg.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
spouts.complete_ms_avg.value String (double value returned in String format) Total latency for processing the message
bolts Array Array of all the bolt components in the topology String Bolt id
bolts.emitted Array Array of all the output streams this bolt emits messages
bolts.emitted.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.emitted.value Long Number of messages emitted in given window
bolts.transferred Array Array of all the output streams this bolt transfers messages
bolts.transferred.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.transferred.value Long Number messages transferred in given window
bolts.acked Array Array of all the input streams this bolt acknowledges of messages
bolts.acked.component_id String Component id for this stream
bolts.acked.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.acked.value Long Number of messages acked in given window
bolts.failed Array Array of all the input streams this bolt receives fail of messages
bolts.failed.component_id String Component id for this stream
bolts.failed.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.failed.value Long Number of messages failed in given window
bolts.process_ms_avg Array Array of all the input streams this spout acks messages
bolts.process_ms_avg.component_id String Component id for this stream
bolts.process_ms_avg.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.process_ms_avg.value String (double value returned in String format) Average time of the bolt to ack a message after it was received
bolts.executed Array Array of all the input streams this bolt executes messages
bolts.executed.component_id String Component id for this stream
bolts.executed.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.executed.value Long Number of messages executed in given window
bolts.executed_ms_avg Array Array of all the output streams this spout receives ack of messages
bolts.executed_ms_avg.component_id String Component id for this stream
bolts.executed_ms_avg.stream_id String Stream id for this stream
bolts.executed_ms_avg.value String (double value returned in String format) Average time to run the execute method of the bolt


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/metrics
1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/metrics?sys=1
2. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/metrics?window=600

Sample response:

    "window-hint":"All time",




/api/v1/topology/<id>/component/<component> (GET)

Returns detailed metrics and executor information for a topology whose id is substituted for <id> and a component whose id is substituted for <component>

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
component String (required) Component Id
window String. Default value :all-time window duration for metrics in seconds
sys String. Values 1 or 0. Default value 0 controls including sys stats part of the response

Response fields:

Field Value Description
user String Topology owner
id String Component id
encodedId String URL encoded component id
name String Topology name
executors Integer Number of executor tasks in the component
tasks Integer Number of instances of component
requestedMemOnHeap Double Requested On-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedMemOffHeap Double Requested Off-Heap Memory by User (MB)
requestedCpu Double Requested CPU by User (%)
schedulerDisplayResource Boolean Whether to display scheduler resource information
topologyId String Topology id
topologyStatus String Topology status
encodedTopologyId String URL encoded topology id
window String. Default value "All Time" window duration for metrics in seconds
componentType String component type: SPOUT or BOLT
windowHint String window param value in "hh mm ss" format. Default value is "All Time"
debug Boolean If debug is enabled for the component
samplingPct Double Controls downsampling of events before they are sent to event log (percentage)
eventLogLink String URL viewer link to event log (debug mode)
profilingAndDebuggingCapable Boolean true if there is support for Profiling and Debugging Actions
profileActionEnabled Boolean true if worker profiling (Java Flight Recorder) is enabled
profilerActive Array Array of currently active Profiler Actions
componentErrors Array of Errors List of component errors
componentErrors.errorTime Long Timestamp when the exception occurred (Prior to 0.11.0, this field was named 'time'.)
componentErrors.errorHost String host name for the error
componentErrors.errorPort String port for the error
componentErrors.error String Shows the error happened in a component
componentErrors.errorLapsedSecs Integer Number of seconds elapsed since the error happened in a component
componentErrors.errorWorkerLogLink String Link to the worker log that reported the exception
spoutSummary Array (only for spouts) Array of component stats, one element per window.
spoutSummary.windowPretty String Duration passed in HH:MM:SS format
spoutSummary.window String window duration for metrics in seconds
spoutSummary.emitted Long Number of messages emitted in given window
spoutSummary.completeLatency String (double value returned in String format) Total latency for processing the message
spoutSummary.transferred Long Total number of messages transferred in given window
spoutSummary.acked Long Number of messages acked
spoutSummary.failed Long Number of messages failed
boltStats Array (only for bolts) Array of component stats, one element per window.
boltStats.windowPretty String Duration passed in HH:MM:SS format
boltStats.window String window duration for metrics in seconds
boltStats.transferred Long Total number of messages transferred in given window
boltStats.processLatency String (double value returned in String format) Average time of the bolt to ack a message after it was received
boltStats.acked Long Number of messages acked
boltStats.failed Long Number of messages failed
inputStats Array (only for bolts) Array of input stats
inputStats.component String Component id
inputStats.encodedComponentId String URL encoded component id
inputStats.executeLatency Long The average time a tuple spends in the execute method
inputStats.processLatency Long The average time it takes to ack a tuple after it is first received
inputStats.executed Long The number of incoming tuples processed
inputStats.acked Long Number of messages acked
inputStats.failed Long Number of messages failed String The name of the tuple stream given in the topology, or "default" if none specified
outputStats Array Array of output stats
outputStats.transferred Long Number of tuples emitted that sent to one ore more bolts
outputStats.emitted Long Number of tuples emitted String The name of the tuple stream given in the topology, or "default" if none specified


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/component/spout
2. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/component/spout?sys=1
3. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/WordCount3-1-1402960825/component/spout?window=600

Sample response:

    "name": "WordCount3",
    "id": "spout",
    "componentType": "spout",
    "windowHint": "10m 0s",
    "executors": 5,
    "componentErrors":[{"errorTime": 1406006074000,
                        "errorHost": "",
                        "errorPort": 6701,
                        "errorWorkerLogLink": "",
                        "errorLapsedSecs": 16,
                        "error": "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: Some Error\n\tat org.apache.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue.consumeBatchToCursor(\n\tat org.apache.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue.consumeBatchWhenAvailable(\n\tat org.apache.storm.disruptor$consume_batch_when_available.invoke(disruptor.clj:80)\n\tat backtype...more.."
    "topologyId": "WordCount3-1-1402960825",
    "tasks": 5,
    "window": "600",
    "profilerActive": [
            "host": "",
            "port": "6701",
    "profilingAndDebuggingCapable": true,
    "profileActionEnabled": true,
    "spoutSummary": [
            "windowPretty": "10m 0s",
            "window": "600",
            "emitted": 28500,
            "transferred": 28460,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "3h 0m 0s",
            "window": "10800",
            "emitted": 127640,
            "transferred": 127440,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "1d 0h 0m 0s",
            "window": "86400",
            "emitted": 127640,
            "transferred": 127440,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
            "windowPretty": "All time",
            "window": ":all-time",
            "emitted": 127640,
            "transferred": 127440,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
    "outputStats": [
            "stream": "__metrics",
            "emitted": 40,
            "transferred": 0,
            "completeLatency": "0",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
            "stream": "default",
            "emitted": 28460,
            "transferred": 28460,
            "completeLatency": "0",
            "acked": 0,
            "failed": 0
    "executorStats": [
            "workerLogLink": "",
            "emitted": 5720,
            "port": 6701,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 5720,
            "host": "",
            "acked": 0,
            "uptime": "43m 4s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 2584,
            "id": "[24-24]",
            "failed": 0
            "workerLogLink": "",
            "emitted": 5700,
            "port": 6703,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 5700,
            "host": "",
            "acked": 0,
            "uptime": "42m 57s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 2577,
            "id": "[25-25]",
            "failed": 0
            "workerLogLink": "",
            "emitted": 5700,
            "port": 6702,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 5680,
            "host": "",
            "acked": 0,
            "uptime": "42m 57s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 2577,
            "id": "[26-26]",
            "failed": 0
            "workerLogLink": "",
            "emitted": 5700,
            "port": 6701,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 5680,
            "host": "",
            "acked": 0,
            "uptime": "43m 4s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 2584,
            "id": "[27-27]",
            "failed": 0
            "workerLogLink": "",
            "emitted": 5680,
            "port": 6703,
            "completeLatency": "0.000",
            "transferred": 5680,
            "host": "",
            "acked": 0,
            "uptime": "42m 57s",
            "uptimeSeconds": 2577,
            "id": "[28-28]",
            "failed": 0

Profiling and Debugging GET Operations

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/start/<host-port>/<timeout> (GET)

Request to start profiler on worker with timeout. Returns status and link to profiler artifacts for worker. Substitute appropriate values for <id>, <host-port> and <timeout>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id
timeout String (required) Time out for profiler to stop in minutes

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status
timeout String Requested timeout
dumplink String Link to logviewer URL for worker profiler documents.


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/start/
2. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/start/
3. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/start/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",
   "timeout": "10",
   "dumplink": "http:\/\/\/dumps\/wordcount-1-1446614150\/"

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/dumpprofile/<host-port> (GET)

Request to dump profiler recording on worker. Returns status and worker id for the request. Substitute for <id> and <host-port>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/dumpprofile/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/stop/<host-port> (GET)

Request to stop profiler on worker. Returns status and worker id for the request. Substitute for <id> and <host-port>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/stop/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/dumpjstack/<host-port> (GET)

Request to dump jstack on worker. Returns status and worker id for the request. Substitute for <id> and <host-port>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/dumpjstack/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/dumpheap/<host-port> (GET)

Request to dump heap (jmap) on worker. Returns status and worker id for the request. Substitute for <id> and <host-port>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/dumpheap/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",

/api/v1/topology/<id>/profiling/restartworker/<host-port> (GET)

Request to request the worker. Returns status and worker id for the request. Substitute for <id> and <host-port>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
host-port String (required) Worker Id

Response fields:

Field Value Description
id String Worker id
status String Response Status


1. http://ui-daemon-host-name:8080/api/v1/topology/wordcount-1-1446614150/profiling/restartworker/

Sample response:

   "status": "ok",
   "id": "",

POST Operations

/api/v1/topology/<id>/activate (POST)

Activates a topology. Substitute for <id>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id

Sample Response:


/api/v1/topology/<id>/deactivate (POST)

Deactivates a topology. Substitute for <id>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id

Sample Response:


/api/v1/topology/<id>/rebalance/<wait-time> (POST)

Rebalances a topology. Substitute for <id> and <wait-time>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
wait-time String (required) Wait time before rebalance happens
rebalanceOptions Json (optional) topology rebalance options

Sample rebalanceOptions json:

{"rebalanceOptions" : {"numWorkers" : 2, "executors" : {"spout" :4, "count" : 10}}, "callback" : "foo"}


curl  -i -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -X POST  
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d  '{"rebalanceOptions": {"numWorkers": 2, "executors": { "spout" : "5", "split": 7, "count": 5 }}, "callback":"foo"}' 

Sample Response:


/api/v1/topology/<id>/kill/<wait-time> (POST)

Kills a topology. Substitute for <id> and <wait-time>.

Parameter Value Description
id String (required) Topology Id
wait-time String (required) Wait time before rebalance happens

Caution: Small wait times (0-5 seconds) may increase the probability of triggering the bug reported in STORM-112, which may result in broker Supervisor daemons.

Sample Response:


API errors

The API returns 500 HTTP status codes in case of any errors.


If DRPC is configured with either an http or https port it will expose a REST endpoint. (See Setting up a Storm cluster for how to do that)

In all of these commands :func is the DRPC function and :args is the arguments to it. The only difference is in how those arguments are supplied. In all cases the response is in the response's body.

In all cases DRPC does not have state, so if your request times out or results in an error please retry the request, but preferably with an exponential backoff to avoid doing a DDOS on the DRPC servers.

/drpc/:func (POST)

In this case the :args to the drpc request are in the body of the post.

/drpc/:func/:args (GET)

In this case the :args are supplied as a part of the URL itself. There are limitations on URL lengths by many tools, so if this is above a hundred characters it is recomended to use the POST option instead.

/drpc/:func (GET)

In some rare cases :args may not be needed by the DRPC command. If no :args section is given in the DRPC request and empty string "" will be used for the arguments.