Package org.apache.storm.windowing
package org.apache.storm.windowing
ClassDescriptionAn eviction policy that tracks event counts and can evict based on a threshold count.A trigger that tracks event counts and calls back
when the count threshold is hit.Event<T>An event is a wrapper object that gets stored in the window.EventImpl<T>Context information that can be used by the eviction policy.EvictionPolicy<T,S> Eviction policy tracks events and decides whether an event should be evicted from the window or not.The action to be taken whenEvictionPolicy.evict(Event)
is invoked.Window manager that handles windows with state persistence.Eviction policy that evicts events based on time duration.Interface to be implemented for extracting timestamp from a tuple.InvokesTriggerHandler.onTrigger()
after the duration.The callback fired byTriggerPolicy
when the trigger condition is satisfied.TriggerPolicy<T,S> Triggers the window calculations based on the policy.Holds the expired, new and current tuples in a window.An iterator based implementation over the events in a window.An eviction policy that tracks count based on watermark ts and evicts events up to the watermark based on a threshold count.A trigger policy that tracks event counts and sets the context for eviction policy to evict based on latest watermark time.Watermark event used for tracking progress of time when processing event based ts.Tracks tuples across input streams and periodically emits watermark events.An eviction policy that evicts events based on time duration taking watermark time and event lag into account.Handles watermark events and triggersTriggerHandler.onTrigger()
for each window interval that has events to be processed up to the watermark ts.Window<T>A view of events in a sliding window.A callback for expiry, activation of events tracked by theWindowManager
.Tracks a window of events and firesWindowLifecycleListener
callbacks on expiry of events or activation of the window due toTriggerPolicy