What directory to use for the blobstore.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
What blobstore implementation the storm client should use.
The path to use as the zookeeper dir when running a zookeeper server via "storm dev-zookeeper".
Class name for authorization plugin for DRPC client.
File name of the DRPC Authorizer ACL.
A class implementing javax.servlet.Filter for DRPC HTTP requests.
Password to the private key in the keystore for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Password to the keystore used by Storm DRPC for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Path to the keystore used by Storm DRPC for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Type of keystore used by Storm DRPC for setting up HTTPS (SSL). see http://docs.oracle
for more details.
Password to the truststore used by Storm DRPC setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Path to the truststore used by Storm DRPC setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Type of truststore used by Storm DRPC for setting up HTTPS (SSL). see http://docs.oracle
for more details.
The DRPC invocations transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication.
The DRPC transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication.
This value is passed to spawned JVMs (e.g., Nimbus, Supervisor, and Workers) for the java.library.path value. java.library.path tells
the JVM where to look for native libraries.
Appender name used by log viewer to determine log directory.
A class implementing javax.servlet.Filter for authenticating/filtering Logviewer requests.
Password to the private key in the keystore for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Password for the keystore for HTTPS for Storm Logviewer.
Path to the keystore containing the certs used by Storm Logviewer for HTTPS communications.
Type of the keystore for HTTPS for Storm Logviewer. see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/security/KeyStore.html for more
Password for the truststore for HTTPS for Storm Logviewer.
Path to the truststore containing the certs used by Storm Logviewer for HTTPS communications.
Type of the truststore for HTTPS for Storm Logviewer. see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/security/Truststore.html for
more details.
Class name for authorization plugin for Nimbus.
What blobstore implementation nimbus should use.
This is the user that the Nimbus daemon process is running as.
Impersonation user ACL config entries.
Nimbus assignments backend for storing local assignments.
The Nimbus transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication.
A custom class that implements ITopologyValidator that is run whenever a topology is submitted.
class controls heartbeats recovery strategy.
It is the part of the uri, configurable in Artifactory, which represents the top of the directory tree.
For ArtifactoryConfigLoader, this can either be a reference to an individual file in Artifactory or to a directory.
full path to cgexec command.
root directory of the storm cgroup hierarchy.
name for the cgroup hierarchy.
The mode this Storm cluster is running in.
The ClusterState factory that worker will use to create a ClusterState to store state in.
Specify the csv reporter directory for CvsPreparableReporter daemon metrics reporter.
Specify the domain for daemon metrics reporter plugin to limit reporting to specific domain.
Specify the duration unit in TimeUnit for daemon metrics reporter plugin.
Specify the Locale for daemon metrics reporter plugin.
Specify the rate unit in TimeUnit for daemon metrics reporter plugin.
The user as which the nimbus client should be acquired to perform the operation.
The plugin that will provide user groups service.
The keytab for nimbus/supervisor to use to access secure hdfs.
The principal for nimbus/supervisor to use to access secure hdfs.
The directory where storm's health scripts go.
The id assigned to a running topology.
A directory on the local filesystem used by Storm for any local filesystem usage it needs.
The hostname the supervisors/workers should report to nimbus.
A directory that holds configuration files for log4j2.
The transporter for communication among Storm tasks.
The delegate for serializing metadata, should be used for serialized objects stored in zookeeper and on disk.
Class implementing WorkerMetricsProcessor.
Class implementing MetricStore.
The cgroup root for oci container.
The root of cgroup for oci to use.
Default oci image to use if the topology doesn't specify which oci image to use.
The directory of nscd - name service cache daemon, e.g.
The local directory for localized oci resources.
Specify the seccomp Json file to be used as a seccomp filter.
The plugin that will convert a principal to a local user.
A global task scheduler used to assign topologies's tasks to supervisors' workers.
root directory for cgoups.
The default transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication.
FQCN of a class that implements ISubmitterHook
@see ISubmitterHook for details.
The workers-artifacts directory (where we place all workers' logs), can be either absolute or relative.
A string representing the payload for cluster Zookeeper authentication.
The cluster Zookeeper authentication scheme to use, e.g.
The ACL of the drpc user in zookeeper so the drpc servers can verify worker tokens.
The root location at which Storm stores data in ZooKeeper.
This is part of a temporary workaround to a ZK bug, it is the 'scheme:acl' for the user Nimbus and Supervisors use to authenticate
with ZK.
A string representing the payload for topology Zookeeper authentication.
The topology Zookeeper authentication scheme to use, e.g.
Class name for authorization plugin for supervisor.
What blobstore implementation the supervisor should use.
The version of storm to assume a topology should run as if not version is given by the client when submitting the topology.
Full path to the worker-laucher executable that will be used to lauch workers when SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER is set to true.
A class that implements a wait strategy for an upstream component (spout/bolt) trying to write to a downstream component whose recv
queue is full
Selects the Bolt's Wait Strategy to use when there are no incoming msgs.
Bolt-specific configuration for windowed bolts to specify the name of the stream on which late tuples are going to be emitted.
Class that specifies how to create a Kryo instance for serialization.
Log file the user can use to configure Log4j2.
Topology central logging sensitivity to determine who has access to logs in central logging system.
The fully qualified name of a
to handle output from non-JVM processes e.g.
The serializer for communication between shell components and non-JVM processes.
Specify the oci image to use.
The strategy to use when scheduling a topology with Resource Aware Scheduler.
A class that implements a wait strategy for spout.
The principal who submitted a topology.
The local user name of the user who submitted a topology.
This config is available for TransactionalSpouts, and contains the id ( a String) for the transactional topology.
The serializer class for ListDelegate (tuple payload).
User defined version of this topology.
The root directory in ZooKeeper for metadata about TransactionalSpouts.
Storm UI Central Logging URL.
A class implementing javax.servlet.Filter for authenticating/filtering UI requests.
Storm UI binds to this host/interface.
Password to the private key in the keystore for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Password to the keystore used by Storm UI for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Path to the keystore used by Storm UI for setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Type of keystore used by Storm UI for setting up HTTPS (SSL). see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/security/KeyStore
for more details.
Password to the truststore used by Storm UI setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Path to the truststore used by Storm UI setting up HTTPS (SSL).
Type of truststore used by Storm UI for setting up HTTPS (SSL). see http://docs.oracle
for more details.
Storm UI Project BUGTRACKER Link for reporting issue.
The command launched supervisor with worker arguments pid, action and [target_directory] Where action is - start profile, stop
profile, jstack, heapdump and kill against pid.