Package org.apache.storm.streams.processors
package org.apache.storm.streams.processors
V, A, R> AggregateProcessor<T,A, R> Top level marker interface for processors that computes results for a batch of tuples like Aggregate, Join etc.A composite context that holds a chain ofProcessorContext
.CoGroupByKeyProcessor<K,V1, V2> co-group by key implementation.A context that emits the results to downstream processors which are in another bolt.FlatMapProcessor<T,R> FlatMapValuesProcessor<K,V, R> A context that emits the results to downstream processors which are in the same bolt.JoinProcessor<K,R, V1, V2> Provides equi-join implementation based on simple hash-join.MapProcessor<T,R> MapValuesProcessor<K,V, R> MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor<K,V, A, R> MergeAggregateProcessor<T,A, R> Processor<T>A processor processes a stream of elements and produces some result.Context information passed to theProcessor
.ReduceByKeyProcessor<K,V> StatefulProcessor<K,V> Top level interface for processors that does stateful processing.StateQueryProcessor<K,V> UpdateStateByKeyProcessor<K,V, R>