Package org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state
package org.apache.storm.redis.trident.state
ClassDescriptionAbstractRedisMapState is base class of any RedisMapState, which implements IBackingMap.AbstractRedisStateQuerier<T extends State>AbstractRedisStateQuerier is base class of any RedisStateQuerier, which implements BaseQueryFunction.AbstractRedisStateUpdater<T extends State>AbstractRedisStateUpdater is base class of any RedisStateUpdater, which implements BaseStateUpdater.KeyFactory defines conversion of state key (which could be compounded) -> Redis key.Default Key Factory.Options<T>Options of State.
It's a data structure (whole things are public) and you can access and modify all fields.IBackingMap implementation for Redis Cluster environment.RedisClusterMapState.Factory provides Redis Cluster environment version of StateFactory.Implementation of State for Redis Cluster environment.RedisClusterState.Factory implements StateFactory for Redis Cluster environment.BaseQueryFunction implementation for Redis Cluster environment.BaseStateUpdater implementation for Redis Cluster environment.IBackingMap implementation for single Redis environment.RedisMapState.Factory provides single Redis environment version of StateFactory.Implementation of State for single Redis environment.RedisState.Factory implements StateFactory for single Redis environment.BaseQueryFunction implementation for single Redis environment.BaseStateUpdater implementation for single Redis environment.